Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sonar Cellphones

I’m sure you’ve watched Dark Night and were blown away by the awesome Phone Mr Fox develops which can emit sound pulses.

A sonar image of surrounding area of the phone gets reconstructed by the reflections of these pulses. And you’re like WTF, is this even possible. Well, its not impossible, difficult but not impossible.

You know that submarines use it to detect their surrounding areas and ultrasound machines are used to check on unborn babies. These surroundings however, aren’t cluttered with noise. Move back to Batman, how does he do this in a crowded place? Low frequencies cant see around corners. They cannot bend around obstacles. You need to have a direct and unobstructed path to be able to see something.Just like a sonogram.


A cell phone frequency is faced with multiple obstacles and hence a clear picture might not be possible. As frequency increases the wavelength keeps getting thinner. At high frequencies cause severe reductions which limits your cell range terribly.


And if you’re an avid cellphone user, you will agree, signaling isn’t real time. And your phone wll never pick up the direction of the wave or even send information in the direction of the wave.

Now Batman, like our Rajnikanth, also arranges for his program code to be installed in every cellphone in Gotham city. This turn every bloody cellphone into a spy detector, which continuously listens to its surrounding areas and transforms them into sonar signals which is ultimately sent to this Giant computer. This computer scans for the Jokers voice just to find his location.

Well this it seems is reality. Apparently after the 9/11 attacks, the US government has installed these tracking software in every cellphone(Yea right!). There are rumors that the NSA’s ECHELON program can pick out voices from millions of calls. Read more onhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echelon_(signals_intelligence)


Hmmm….i hate the idea of “Someone Somewher is WATCHING”

Sonar Cellphones

I’m sure you’ve watched Dark Night and were blown away by the awesome Phone Mr Fox develops which can emit sound pulses.

A sonar image of surrounding area of the phone gets reconstructed by the reflections of these pulses. And you’re like WTF, is this even possible. Well, its not impossible, difficult but not impossible.

You know that submarines use it to detect their surrounding areas and ultrasound machines are used to check on unborn babies. These surroundings however, aren’t cluttered with noise. Move back to Batman, how does he do this in a crowded place? Low frequencies cant see around corners. They cannot bend around obstacles. You need to have a direct and unobstructed path to be able to see something.Just like a sonogram.


A cell phone frequency is faced with multiple obstacles and hence a clear picture might not be possible. As frequency increases the wavelength keeps getting thinner. At high frequencies cause severe reductions which limits your cell range terribly.


And if you’re an avid cellphone user, you will agree, signaling isn’t real time. And your phone wll never pick up the direction of the wave or even send information in the direction of the wave.

Now Batman, like our Rajnikanth, also arranges for his program code to be installed in every cellphone in Gotham city. This turn every bloody cellphone into a spy detector, which continuously listens to its surrounding areas and transforms them into sonar signals which is ultimately sent to this Giant computer. This computer scans for the Jokers voice just to find his location.

Well this it seems is reality. Apparently after the 9/11 attacks, the US government has installed these tracking software in every cellphone(Yea right!). There are rumors that the NSA’s ECHELON program can pick out voices from millions of calls. Read more onhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echelon_(signals_intelligence)


Hmmm….i hate the idea of “Someone Somewher is WATCHING”

Sunday, March 6, 2011


I believe everyone has played at least 1 prank in the entire life not necessarily on April Fools day. If you haven’t, then I’m sure someone has most definitely played a prank on you. The most common prank I can think of are blank calls. Although it might just get you into trouble, if you have a cranky called party its  quite harmless I’d like to think.


For the more technically inclined original pranksters – Prank Phone calls = BlueJacking. You would need to have Bluetooth technology though. BlueJacking just takes advantage of the loophole in the messaging system of Bluetooth technology. It allows a user to send unsolicited message to other Bluetooth users in the nearby area.


A bluejacker will find his victims in crowded locations, like malls, railway stations, airports, even in his own office. Basically areas with higher potential of Bluetooth users.


So how is bluejacking actually done? What is the loophole?



You might be aware that Bluetooth technology generally operates via low power radio waves @ a frequency of 2 GHZ. This is also known as the ISM band- which is an open, unlicensed band which is actually supposed to be used for industrial, scientific and medical devices( check DOT for more info).


So, in the same area multiple Bluetooth devices share the same ISM band and are able to locate and communicate with each other.


That’s how you can share music, pictures, text messages etc. Here your device will search for the other device it needs to connect to and tap into its resources. Bluejackers have devised a very simple technique to trick their victims. Instead of creating a legitimate name in the address book, the bluejacker's message takes the place of the name. The prank essentially erases the "from" part of the equation, allowing the Bluejacker to send anything he wishes without indentifying himself.


For example imagine yourself at Café Coffee day, you notice a pleasant couple (Bluetooth users)sipping on some hot chocolate. You can set up a contact as “Is your chocolate hot enough?” After choosing to send the SMS via Bluetooth, your mobile will search for Bluetooth devices in its vicinity.

What follows is a mixed expression of confusion and fear much to the Bluejackers delight.